Prosperity Principle #5 - Emotional Courage
We're on a journey of covering my seven prosperity principles, which, when put into action, will create more wealth success and happiness in your life from ease, not from struggle or stress.
The first prosperity principle we covered was self-acceptance – embracing who you are, fully understanding your purpose and diving head first into the life that you were born to create.
Prosperity Principle #4 - Mental Clarity
Over the last few weeks, we've been on a journey of walking through my seven prosperity principles, and today we're going to discuss Prosperity Principle #4.
First of all, I want to recap…
Prosperity Principle #3 - Physical Well-Being
We're on a journey to walk through all seven of my prosperity principles and today we're going to talk about Prosperity Principle #3, but first I want to recap what we've already done.
Prosperity Principle #1 is about knowing yourself, embracing yourself, accepting yourself – your talents, gifts, desires, purpose, and destiny.
Prosperity Principle #2 - Big Dream, Big Life. Small Dream, Small Life.
So we're on this journey of covering my seven prosperity principles. If you haven't connected to my new book, The Prosperity Principles, I would encourage you to do so. You can buy a copy here. It's an awesome book. It's about the seven accelerators to growth that I’ve experienced in my life and not just growth but breakthrough growth.
Prosperity Principle #1 - Authenticity
Authenticity is your key to unlocking powerful states of wealth, success, and happiness. The more you embrace yourself, the more you’ll be, do, and have. Accepting, embracing, appreciating and respecting yourself is the greatest gift that you can give to humanity and the greatest creator of prosperity there is known to man.
The Principles for Living Soul Out
My zone of genius is organizing loose concepts into an organized structure so that you have an easy path to follow to create results. What’s your zone of genius? In this video I share my seven Prosperity Principles which will unlock new levels of wealth, success, happiness, and freedom in your life and business.
Your Tribe Matters
Who you surround yourself with absolutely matters. You become who you are around, so choose wisely. In this video and blog I tell the story of how happy millionaires helped make me a happy millionaire.
Shift From Survival To Service
The single greatest shift you can make in your life and business to create more success and happiness is to shift from your own survival to serving the greater good. My business focus shifted from “what’s in it for me?” to “what’s in it for them?” and “how can I help the greatest number of people solve the problems in their lives?” That is when I shifted from a self-obsessed focus to a service-based focus.
Rules for Creating Success and Happiness
I wake up every single day to create more success and happiness in my life. Because of this, I get to share that success and happiness with the world. I get to help other people create more success and happiness in their lives and businesses as well.
Want to be a Happy Millionaire? Do This!
I would encourage you to disconnect “wealth” and “happiness” in your mind, because they aren’t connected. They’re not married. Wealth does not create happiness.
There’s a difference between miserable millionaires and happy millionaires. The difference lies in how they approach three aspects of life.
Are You Passionate About Life?
Are you living a life of passion, where you are excited about every aspect of your life, or are you settling? Are you living soul out or living a life of compromise? Success, happiness, and freedom only come from living in your passion and living a life that you get to not that you have to. Make a commitment to yourself to create true prosperity; health, wealth, and powerful relationships. Choose to have it all.
Do You Dread Your Day?
Let’s be honest, we all just want a little more success, happiness and freedom in our lives. The only reason you don’t have it is because you feel like it’s not available, but it is. If you dread any part of your life, that is not success. If you dread your health, wealth, and the power of your relationships, you have some work to do to define what success means to you and begin moving toward it.
Achieve Success Without Stress
Do you feel you need to accept and embrace stress in order to be successful? It’s just not true. See it through this lens instead. Success is based on service, impact and making a difference in the world. It’s bringing our total essence – talents, gifts, vision, desires, all the best of us – to the world and truly making a difference. Stress is only a signature in your body that tells you you’re going the wrong way.
Make It About Other People
Do you focus on self-preservation or making a difference in the world? If you are stuck in self-obsession or just focusing on building a life for yourself, you’ll never fully feel happiness and freedom. Growth is the norm, unless we keep ourselves stuck. Focus on expanding, on helping others. Making a difference will bring success, happiness, and freedom to every aspect of your life.
Belief Makes It Possible
If you believe it’s impossible, it is impossible. If you believe it’s possible, it is possible. Belief shows you the door, and executing on that belief opens the door.
Why choose between time and financial success? Choose both. Make a commitment to yourself today to integrate your life and business and to live a life by design.
How Do You Define Success?
Have you sat down and really deeply understood what success means to you? If you haven’t, it might be the most valuable exercise you’ll ever perform.
Until you do, you might be living someone else’s definition of success, and that cannot bring you the joy and happiness you’ve been searching for.
Make a commitment to yourself today to integrate your life and business to a life by design.
The Happy Millionaire
In my coaching programs, whether it be my mastermind or private coaching, I can count no fewer than 10 millionaires that I get to work with on a regular basis. And within that mix, I get to see the mindset of someone who is capable of creating millions of dollars of value for themselves and for other people. I also get to understand what helps them either become a happy millionaire or a dissatisfied, unhappy millionaire.
What Does Prosperity Mean to You?
Prosperity to me means not settling in any area of your life. It means having it all at the same time, and never sacrificing one area for another. It’s having powerful physical, mental, emotional and spiritual alignment. It’s creating income from service. It’s about powerful, deep, committed, loving relationships with those that matter most.
Focus on What You Want - 7 Steps to Achievement
I’m going to share with you the science of achievement. This is the process as I know it and teach it. It’s created powerful results in every facet of my life – my health, wealth, and the power of all of my relationships. All of that shifted because I started to understand this process. After the process, I’m going to tell you the concept you need to deploy in order to make this process effective. But we are going to start with the seven-step process that’s the science of achievement.
Blood or Sweat?
There was a phrase that we used regularly in the Marine Corps to justify all the pain and the suffering and torment that we inflicted upon ourselves to prepare for combat.
It’s better to lose a gallon of sweat in peacetime than it is a pint of blood in wartime.
The adage we adhered to is when we needed to be, it was better to be prepared, than to become prepared at that moment. This takes a growth mindset, where you are always stretching yourself and making yourself uncomfortable not to avoid pain, but create discomfort so you could grow into the next level before you needed to.