Focus on What You Want - 7 Steps to Achievement

I’m going to share with you the science of achievement. This is the process as I know it and teach it. It’s created powerful results in every facet of my life – my health, wealth, and the power of all of my relationships. All of that shifted because I started to understand this process. After the process, I’m going to tell you the concept you need to deploy in order to make this process effective. But we are going to start with the seven-step process that’s the science of achievement.


The Science of Achievement

I’m going to share with you the science of achievement. This is the process as I know it and teach it. It’s created powerful results in every facet of my life – my health, wealth, and the power of all of my relationships. All of that shifted because I started to understand this process. After the process, I’m going to tell you the concept you need to deploy in order to make this process effective. But we are going to start with the seven-step process that’s the science of achievement.

Seven Steps to Achievement

  1. Create a powerful vision. Get crystal clear. In order to get what you want, you absolutely have to be crystallized in what you want to create. You have to have as many details wrapped around your vision as possible.

  2. Set a strategy. Decide what high-level, 10,000-foot-view strategy you’re going to take to accomplish that goal. When you get clear on the strategy you want to take, then you need to dive into tactics.

  3. Create tactics of achievement. Break that strategy down into daily activities that are required for you to create and move the needle.

  4. Execute. Relentlessly execute your tactics that align with the strategy and the vision.

  5. Outcomes. These are passively created from the execution of those daily tactics.

  6. Perform an Assessment. Take a step back and reflect on what you’ve created and start to understand what is working and what is not.

  7. Make adjustments. This is the most effective step in the process. Adjust the strategy and execution to be sure to align with the outcomes. If you’re not achieving the outcomes, the issue lies somewhere in your strategy, tactics, or execution. Sometimes you’re tempted to change the vision. ONLY change the vision if you’ve lost the desire to create that vision. But if you’re not creating the outcomes you want, a shift is required somewhere in your tactics, strategy, and execution.

FOCUS On What You Want

There’s a single concept that makes this effective: FOCUS. Focus, focus, focus. What you focus on expands. If you focus on what you want, it will expand. If you focus on what you do not want, that will expand, too. Focus is required. You can have the greatest designed plan ever in the history of humankind, but without focus, it will fail. Focus is required. You’ve got to understand what is required, what is not, and anything that’s not required – get that out of your way. They are distractions.

Just get down to what is required to execute that process. Execute with excellence and the outcomes will create themselves.

Focus is required in every aspect of your life. Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want.


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