Achieve Success Without Stress

Do you feel you need to accept and embrace stress in order to be successful? It’s just not true. See it through this lens instead. Success is based on service, impact and making a difference in the world. It’s bringing our total essence – talents, gifts, vision, desires, all the best of us – to the world and truly making a difference. Stress is only a signature in your body that tells you you’re going the wrong way.


Unlock Your Significance

There are two terms that we often intertwine completely unnecessarily when we are driven for achievement – success and stress.

We often feel like I order to be successful, we must also accumulate or feel stress. And in order to relieve stress, we must give up achievement and success. Neither of these are true.

The process of success, when you boil it down into its primary components, is making a difference in the lives of other people.

Success is based on service, impact and making a difference in the world. It’s bringing our total essence – talents, gifts, vision, desires, all the best of us – to the world and truly making a difference.

It’s literally living soul out.

You are on purpose, you are on time. There is a significance locked inside of you that the world desperately needs.

When you give all of that to the world without shame or guilt, you can’t help but create impact, make a difference and feel successful.

But stress only comes when you're fighting life. It comes when you’re fighting your true nature. It only comes when you’re going against the flow of humanity and you’re trying to get the world to bend to YOUR will.

Stress is a signature in your body that tells you you’re going the wrong way. It’s the result of adrenaline and cortisol and norepinephrine – the survival hormones that kick in – even when your survival is not in jeopardy.

Stress is a signal that things are not right. Now, we have these survival-based hormones that are great in small doses when we need to react to danger. They’re not meant for you to bathe in them and exist in them for the entirety of your life.

Success is bringing everything that you are in your true nature to the world and making a difference. Stress is going against the true nature of who you are.

Know the difference because they’re not intertwined. The science of achievement is in creating something special with your design. The art of fulfillment is learning to live in your true nature and live soul out and feel happiness and freedom and feel successful because of who you are, and because of the gift you bring to the world.

You don’t have to have stress to become successful. In fact, stress is a signal that you’re not being successful.

Know the difference. It’ll change your life.


Do You Dread Your Day?


Make It About Other People