Blog Articles

Building A Life Around Play
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Building A Life Around Play

This week I ran across a bit of wisdom that really struck a chord with me. The graphic read "You should have three hobbies: one which makes you money, one which keeps you fit, and one which allows you to be creative." This concept really connected with me because it feels like my business is a hobby,  I enjoy and look forward to my daily workouts, and I love to write and record podcasts. It feels like my life is bouncing from hobby to hobby. 

In this blog I wanted to dive into each of these areas a little deeper. 

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The Power of the Mastermind
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

The Power of the Mastermind

A few times per week I'm asked about what a mastermind is, how a mastermind works, or even if I could send more details about my mastermind. I've never had the details all in one place, so in this blog I'm taking the opportunity to outline the workings of a powerful mastermind. Here's a summary of what you're going to read below:  "If you want to go fast, go alone; but if you want to go far, go together." - African Wisdom

After reading, if you're interested in joining a journey with The Happy Millionaire Mastermind Community, email me at and I'd be happy (see what I did there?) to set up a time to share more!

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Three Types of Freedoms
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Three Types of Freedoms

The folks I work with are looking for freedom. For most of the business owners I engage with on a daily basis, the word freedom feels like, well, freedom. Basically they're looking for a way to take complete control of their lives and their circumstances. 

I work with many super wealthy and successful people, but many of them aren't happy. Money and success do not take away their happiness, but there's a science to creating wealth and success and there's an art to creating joy and happiness. 

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Are You Letting Worry, Doubts And Fear Suffocate Your Life?
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Are You Letting Worry, Doubts And Fear Suffocate Your Life?

For most of my life I allowed worry, doubts and fear suffocate me and crush my dreams. The weight of my mind and emotions became so heavy that everything eventually collapsed - including my health, income, and my family. 

That's when I realized that I had nothing figured out, and I got the opportunity to wipe the slate clean and start all over. Lucky for me I had some financial reserves to fall back on while I took time to reset everything, and the new me is so much more peaceful, powerful, and prosperous than the old me. I now have internal joy and love to share with my family, friends and clients. 

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Understanding The Subconscious Mind
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Understanding The Subconscious Mind

A long time ago a mentor told me that teaching the basics of human growth and development creates wealth and success, but that I'd be tempted to teach advanced topics and neglect the basics. 

He was completely right. My wife Angie and I were having a discussion this week and I recalled my mentors words. I realized that I don't teach enough on the most basic wisdom for why people grow or remain stuck - the infinite power of the subconscious mind. 

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Do You Always Get What You Want?
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Do You Always Get What You Want?

I've got a close friend who is very wealthy and successful, and he also just happens to be the most loving and caring person I know as well. If you're around him long enough you'll eventually hear him say this:

"You can have anything you want in this world."

When I first me him and he told me this I thought he was nuts. Anything I want? That just seemed like crazy-talk. 

The problem is that over the 5 years I've known him he's proven it true over and over. Seeing this with my own eyes forced me to reflect and understand what I've been doing wrong in life to sometimes get what I want - and sometimes not.

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Do You Listen to That Internal Whisper?
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Do You Listen to That Internal Whisper?

Do you listen to that internal voice that is constantly whispering to get your attention?

I would guess that if you're like most, you're so caught up in the drama, conflicts, and challenges of life and business that you rarely stop and quiet your mind long enough to hear your internal guidance. For 43 years I was oblivious to what it was saying, and even when I heard it, I ignored it. 

That internal whisper holds the key to new levels of wealth, success, and happiness. All you need to do is sit still and pay attention long enough to listen to what it is trying to tell you. 

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Do You Trust Life?
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Do You Trust Life?

I shifted from a disastrous life to a beautiful life because of one word: trust. 

I know it's hard to believe, but everything changed when I decided to trust myself, trust my talents, trust my intuition, trust my desires, and most importantly, to trust life. 

Years later, learning to trust has shown me that life is not hard - it's lack of trust in life that makes life so difficult. 

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Do You Glorify Struggle And Things That Are Hard?
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Do You Glorify Struggle And Things That Are Hard?

I didn't understand when I was in the midst of it, but I've made everything harder than it needed to be. When things were easy, I questioned the legitimacy of the circumstances, and when I was rewarded for being successful I felt that I needed to punish myself more in order to justify the rewards. 

Without knowing why I was doing it, the more successful and the more money I made, the more I caused myself more pain. 

It wasn't until everything collapsed under the weight of my self-imposed punishment that I understood why:

I glorified struggle and things that were hard. Easy wasn't valuable. If it wasn't hard it wasn't worth doing. 

That's just pure insanity. 

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Are You Growth Oriented?
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Are You Growth Oriented?

Not everyone is growth oriented, and if you're not, you don't need to be in order to be ok. You're perfectly fine as you are. If you are growth oriented, you're not better than those who are, you're just different. 

It's critical we state that up-front so that we are in alignment. No one on the face of this planet is better or more significant than anyone else - we're just all living our own journey and we're all doing the best we can. 

You can't reject yourself to higher states of wealth, success, and happiness, so let's just accept each other as we are. 

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You Are Born With Two Fears - The Rest Are Learned
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

You Are Born With Two Fears - The Rest Are Learned

We are only born with two fears: the fear of falling, and the fear of loud noises. The rest of the worries, fears, and doubts you experience and carry around with you have been learned during the course of your life. 

In other words, you are carrying around a bunch of stories in your mind and in your belief system which are limiting your sense of aliveness. 

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The Mechanics of Dreaming
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

The Mechanics of Dreaming

I was sitting with a very close friend of mine having breakfast, and the conversation turned to our visions for our businesses. He asked me what I was working on. I told him that I was working on filling 3 mastermind groups for my Happy Millionaire Mastermind Community of business owners - who are creating more wealth, success, and happiness in their lives and businesses. 

I asked him the same and he shared his. 

The content of the conversation turned to why we want to create what we want to create. So we moved to how we each create our visions for our future.

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Three Blocks to Wealth, Success, and Happiness
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Three Blocks to Wealth, Success, and Happiness

Hey guys today I want to talk about the three biggest wealth, success, and happiness blocks that I’ve recognized in my own life, and in the lives of those who I’ve worked with around the world.

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Top Three Tools to Get Clarity
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Top Three Tools to Get Clarity

Over the last few weeks, I've talked extensively about the importance and the criticality of getting really clear about what you're looking to create in the future, in your wealth, your success, and your happiness.

Today, I want to give you my top three tools for getting clear, but first I want to tell you that the wealthy, successful, and happy people I work with are not too proud to use these tips and tools. Some of the unsuccessful people that I have worked with in the past – who said they wanted more success – weren't willing to humble themselves and to be “uncool” and use some of these tools.

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Get Clear, and Sh*t Gets Real
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Get Clear, and Sh*t Gets Real

I want to advance the conversation about the art and science of creating wealth, success, and happiness. Last week in my blog and in my video, I spoke about how unsuccessful people – people to who struggle to achieve and accomplish anything – focus on studying their craft. And, people who are wealthy, successful, and happy – who have accomplished something significant in the world – focus on the art and science of creating wealth, success, and happiness.

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Study Success, Not Your Craft
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Study Success, Not Your Craft

I’ve worked with small business owners who struggled to create results, success, and wealth in their business and in their lives.

I've also worked with small business owners that were self-made and created massive success and massive wealth in their business, which fueled and enabled them to create massive success and massive wealth in their lives.

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What are Wealth, Success, and Happiness?
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

What are Wealth, Success, and Happiness?

Let's talk about my three favorite words in the entire English language – wealth, success, and happiness.

I say these words over and over every single day because these three words, I feel, are our birthright as human beings. The only reason we wouldn't possess wealth, success, and happiness is if we're resisting them and pushing them away, and we don't understand them at a very granular level.

So, I want to provide my very elementary, very simplistic definitions.

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Prosperity Principle #7 - Competence
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Prosperity Principle #7 - Competence

We've been walking through my seven Prosperity Principles. When put into place, these principles will create more wealth, success, and happiness in your life.

We've covered Prosperity Principle #1, which was about accepting yourself, embracing yourself and knowing your talents and desires, and then reaching complete self-acceptance.

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Prosperity Principle #6 - Social Connection
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Prosperity Principle #6 - Social Connection

The past few weeks, we've been covering my seven Prosperity Principles. These are the principles that, when put into action, will help you create breakthrough levels of wealth, success and happiness in your life.

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Prosperity Principle #5 - Emotional Courage
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Prosperity Principle #5 - Emotional Courage

We're on a journey of covering my seven prosperity principles, which,  when put into action, will create more wealth success and happiness in your life from ease, not from struggle or stress.

The first prosperity principle we covered was self-acceptance – embracing who you are, fully understanding your purpose and diving head first into the life that you were born to create.

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