Are You A Freedom Seeker?
Commitment Mike Kitko Commitment Mike Kitko

Are You A Freedom Seeker?

I believe that anyone in this world can become anyone they want, and I also believe that anyone can achieve anything they want. I don’t believe that there’s an invisible force who holds anyone back, and I don’t believe that this force answers some prayers and dismisses others.

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Commitment: The Magic Ingredient To Anything You Want
Commitment Mike Kitko Commitment Mike Kitko

Commitment: The Magic Ingredient To Anything You Want

I began an aggressive life transformation in March of 2016.  Within a very short period of time I had lost 100 pounds, rebuilt my marriage and family, started a business and began waking up excited about the life I was building. 

It was a super fun time in my life and I look back at those months and years fondly. 

Since then there have been times when things didn't unfold the way I wanted them to, I got mixed results, or life was more of a rollercoaster than a rocketship. 

Looking back and reflecting it's easy to spot the difference between the two states: my level of commitment to new outcomes and circumstances. 

In this article I'm going to discuss commitment, and why it's the magic ingredient to getting anything you want. 

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Things I'd Teach Younger Mike Kitko
Leader Shohag Islam Leader Shohag Islam

Things I'd Teach Younger Mike Kitko

A few weeks ago, my wife Angie and I traveled to New Orleans so that I could speak at a Real Estate Mastermind. It was a full day with multiple speakers, and I enjoyed listening to the other speakers just as much as I enjoyed speaking. Every time I participate in one of these events, I learn so many new things. But usually there's one single line, lesson or concept that really touches me. This event was no different. 

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Thank God for Unanswered Prayers
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Thank God for Unanswered Prayers

In this article I’ve got to admit something that’s not easy to admit. I typically don’t get what I want. I know that I teach that you can have whatever you want in this world, but I’ve got to come clean.

I almost never get what I want. I get better than I want. Let me explain.

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Take the Next Step in Your Life, from the Inside-Out
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Take the Next Step in Your Life, from the Inside-Out

We live in an inside-out world. Most people are living from the outside-in, which means they believe  a certain outcome or circumstance outside of them is needed in order to rearrange or manipulate the thoughts and feelings that they have inside of them. This is just playing victim, and refusing to take control of what's happening in your mind and body. 

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Retrain Your Body to Feel Joy
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Retrain Your Body to Feel Joy

When we don't know better, ife has a way of helping us get stuck in a constant state of worry, fear, and doubt. If you look around at that people in your life living in a state of struggle,, most of them believe "that's the way it is."

It's doesn't have to be. You've trained your mind and body how to live in a constant state of worry, fear, and doubt. If you want better, you can retrain your body to feel peace, love, and joy. But you can't keep living the same life, doing the same things, and expect different outcomes. You must do the things that will create the results you want.

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Do You Really Want To Grow, Or Are You Fighting To Stay The Same?
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Do You Really Want To Grow, Or Are You Fighting To Stay The Same?

Repeat after me:

"If I always do what I always did, I'll always get what I always got."

Pretty simple concept, right?

I work with a lot of people. I watch some of them change their entire lives and recreate their circumstances, and some remain stuck. There's a vast difference between them, and there's nothing anyone can do to help the ones that remain stuck. They might say they want better, more, or different, but when it comes time to get to work, they choose to remain the same. 

Let me explain the difference between the two groups. 

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Do You Trust That Life Supports You?
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Do You Trust That Life Supports You?

Have you ever noticed that out of the 8 billion people on the planet, that the majority, I’d say 95% or more, are trying to get what they want, avoid what they don’t want, feel pleasure, not feel pain, feel safe and secure, not feel uncertainty or risk, feel loved, not feel lonely, and most importantly most are trying to create and rearrange circumstances in their life in an attempt to be ok? Have you ever taken time to notice how frantically people are running around in an attempt to do more, have more, and be more, and they do all of this to try to manage their mental and emotional states?

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But Are You Enjoying Your Life?
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

But Are You Enjoying Your Life?

I've been thinking about my own death a lot lately. The Stoic philosophers taught a very important lesson that has helped me get clear about creating an exceptional life - if you don't fall in love with your own death, you'll never truly allow yourself to live. I've been feeling this lately. 

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Your Own Self-Concept Defines You
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Your Own Self-Concept Defines You

For most of my life I was convinced that once I decided who I was - my identity - I was committed to that forever. I'm glad I was wrong. 

I spent decades being an out of shape, beer drinking, televised sports addicted, Christian, right-wing, gun carrying, flag waving Conservative Republican whose job it was to sacrifice my own health and happiness to climb the corporate ladder and provide an awesome life for my wife and kids. 

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Is Stress Chipping Away At Your Life?
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Is Stress Chipping Away At Your Life?

I remember making the conscious decision to increase the difficulty of my life in every way possible. I look back and remember believing that if life was fun and enjoyable - easy - then I needed to crank up the difficulty. If I was exercising, I needed to punish myself more. If work was too easy, I needed to make it harder or take on more. If I was enjoying my day, I wasn't pushing hard enough. 

Wow. I remember those times like it was yesterday. In fact, there are still times where I question if it's ok to enjoy my life. It seems old habits are hard to break. 

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The Joy of Being Wrong
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

The Joy of Being Wrong

When I was 300 pounds, suicidal, abusive to my family, and drinking at toxic levels, I thought I had it all figured out. I judged others who didn't believe what I believed, and heckled others who saw life differently than I did. It didn't matter how much chaos I was mired in; I would defend my beliefs, perspectives, and opinions to the death. If you didn't believe what I believed, I would make you wrong.

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The Most Magical Medicine: Breath
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

The Most Magical Medicine: Breath

If you've followed along with my blog, I usually tell a story, present a concept, or offer a perspective different than accepted perspectives. My goal today is to help you think differently. Your best thinking got you here, and if you want to shift to higher levels of wealth, success, and happiness, you must think differently.

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Are You Trapped Inside Someone Else's Prison?
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Are You Trapped Inside Someone Else's Prison?

A few weeks ago, one of my wife's friends reached out to me and asked me the difference between religion and a cult. I feel uniquely qualified to answer that because I've seen the insides of a cult - but most don't understand that it's a cult. 

In response to the friend asking the question, I simply replied, "Religion helps you create a relationship with God, a cult makes you dependent on the dogma and the cult, and keeps you trapped inside the structure of the cult."

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Speak Your Truth
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Speak Your Truth

Do you have the courage to speak your own truth?

I used to feel that there was only one truth, and I questioned if I knew that truth. In fact, since I questioned whether I knew the truth, I felt that I shouldn't or couldn't share my perspectives. Here's what I've learned since: your perspective is your truth. All truth is subjective and changes. Some point to statistics and data as truth, but even statistics and data rely on interpretation and explanation. 

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The Start Of A New Life
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

The Start Of A New Life

This week I found inspiration to begin my next book project. The working title is Spiritual Liberation: The Path from Internal Conflict to Internal and External Prosperity.

I plan to pour my soul's work into this project. I'm so excited about it that I'd like to share the prologue in this week's blog article. 


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12 Powerful Lessons Which Transformed My Life
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

12 Powerful Lessons Which Transformed My Life

There's a lot of people who keep sticky notes all over their office. I don't. I haven't had a sticky note in years. But I do have notes all over my laptop and phone. When inspiration calls, wherever it strikes, I'm ready. 

Each week I try to write an article that provides some insights that might positively impact your life. Many weeks when I sit down to write my wife Angie says, "Why don't you use some of your old writings?"

She's right. 

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You Are On Purpose
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

You Are On Purpose

On my laptop I have 2 books that I began some time ago that are "in process." That means that when I get inspired I add to them. The challenge for me is that I've got 4-5 books working in my mind at any time, and committing to a single book is very difficult. As I'm evolving, so is the content rattling around in my head. On my spiritual journey, I have evolved aggressively, so the messages I wish to share change rapidly. 

This week I want to share a section in one of the books I have in process. This is from my book with the working title "The Art of Joy." Enjoy!

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Have You Asked Yourself "Who Am I?"
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Have You Asked Yourself "Who Am I?"

This past weekend we held our summer Inner Game of Wealth Intensive Workshop. It was super powerful with many life-changing breakthroughs. 

One participant felt peace and love for the first time ever. One committed to and started prioritizing her own needs and wants so that she had more to give others. One said "I care about you" to himself for the first time ever. Everyone looked different and their energy felt different when they left the session. It was powerful transformation. 

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Back To The Basics
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Back To The Basics

I'm proud to be a lifelong student. I am constantly accessing new knowledge and wisdom so that I can better understand life, and be more useful in helping others navigate life and business. 

I've faced a dilemma over the past 6 years. When I learn something new, I want to teach it. I get excited. I plan and plot how I'm going to immediately incorporate the new concept into my business and my teaching. This sounds responsible, but it has done a great disservice to those I serve. 

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