The Difference Between Successful And Unsuccessful People
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

The Difference Between Successful And Unsuccessful People

I've worked with a lot of people. Frankly, when I started the journey of this personal development business, I didn't even consider I'd be at this point so soon. 

Anyway, I see a pattern that I want to share. 

There's a simple difference between people who are wealthy, successful, and happy, and those who struggle financially, hate their vocation or career, and are miserable and unhappy. One difference:

You ready?

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Be Your Own Best Friend
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Be Your Own Best Friend

When my daughter Meagan was little, we would say: 

"Meagan, what are you?"  

She would reply: 


She was awesome. She is awesome. And I will continue to influence her to believe, think, and feel awesome.  

She just scored in the 97th percentile of all High Schoolers in the U.S. who have taken the ACT college exam. She crushed it. I'm super proud of her. She's one of the smartest and most talented people I have ever met. I believe she is this because we encouraged her to know how awesome she really is. 

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Live For Something Bigger Than Yourself
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Live For Something Bigger Than Yourself

I recommend a lot of books. I like to think of myself as the book prescriber. Dr. Book, if you will. ;-)

Anyway, one book that I really enjoyed when it was recommended to me is Third Circle Theory by Pejman Ghadimi. I found a lot of wisdom in it, but I must be honest that many people I offered it to didn't enjoy the book. The author sometimes comes off a bit brash and arrogant which is exactly the opposite of what the book is trying to convey, but I always look for the pearls. I found many. 

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What is Inner Wealth?
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

What is Inner Wealth?

Last week we held the summer retreat for our highest level mastermind group. We spend 3 days in a room together sharing our dreams, goals, and our deepest fears, struggles, and challenges. There were a ton of laughs, just as many tears, and countless personal breakthroughs. 

The retreat solidified why we run our business. We make a real difference in the world, and people live higher quality lives because of us.

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The Journey Of Life Mastery
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

The Journey Of Life Mastery

I have the privilege of coaching and mentoring some amazing people. It truly is an honor to be gifted the talents, the will, and the desire to help people grow into higher versions of themselves. 

If you've followed my blogs or my podcast for any period, you might have noticed that when I spot patterns, I like to share them through my content. It's as if I get to study life, develop new awarenesses, and help people see what I see to continue to evolve society. It's humbling. 

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The Gravitational Pull Of The Familiar
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

The Gravitational Pull Of The Familiar

Everyone wants to increase their circumstances, but that requires thinking differently and becoming a different version of you. Not everyone is growth oriented and willing to make radical changes in their lives. For those who are, we get to realize the sheer amount of effort required in making changes stick. 

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My Transformational Lessons
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

My Transformational Lessons

In March of 2016 I was terminated from my second executive level position in 20 months, effectively ending my journey in corporate America. I was 300 lbs, suicidal, and everything about my family life was toxic and abusive. I tried to find another job, but was unsuccessful. I didn't have the courage to kill myself and abandon my family, so I felt forced to look for a different path.

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You Only Feel Your Thoughts
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

You Only Feel Your Thoughts

On my Inner Wealth Community call this week, I did a simple exercise with the members. I asked them to close their eyes, imagine they have already accomplished a set goal, or their life vision has taken shape and they're living their dream life. 

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What You Focus On Matters
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

What You Focus On Matters

For the first half of my life I didn't understand the power of my mind. I didn't understand the power of my thoughts, concerns, and where my attention was taking me. I had to learn the hard way that wherever your thoughts point, your life follows. 

Over the past 6 years I've studied great thinkers and teachers such as Napoleon Hill, James Allen, and Wallace Waddles, and they basically all say the same thing: Focus on what you want, not what you don't want. 

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Be Careful Who You Ask For Advice
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Be Careful Who You Ask For Advice

Most people are eager to share their perspective. People who love, appreciate, and want the best for you will likely be happy to pass on their beliefs, wisdom, and life experiences to help you avoid making the same mistakes they did. 

If you're not careful, you'll see that it's also a trap. By passing on their beliefs, wisdom, and life experiences they're also sharing with you their fears, and most often they'll try to get you to see the world through their lens, not your own. They might try to convince you to see the world as they do so that they can feel justified and right in the choices they've made. 

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The Path Through Boredom To Bliss
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

The Path Through Boredom To Bliss

As long as I was distracting myself from the stress, chaos, anger, painful beliefs, shame, and false stories running through my mind and body, I was just delaying the pain. That's what I did the first 43 years of my life until I was forced - and I mean forced - to face myself. I had nothing to do, nowhere to go, and no way to distract myself from the pain inside of me. 

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Are You Ready To Open The Door To New Circumstances?
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Are You Ready To Open The Door To New Circumstances?

When I look back to 6 years ago, I can see how radically different my life is from that time - which was by far the darkest of my life. In March of 2016 I had just gotten terminated from my second executive-level position in 20 months, I was 300 lbs of undisciplined chaos, abusive to my wife and kids, my home was full of deception, drama, and conflict, and I was suicidal because I hated myself at such a deep level. 

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From Experience To Outcome - The Creation Cycle
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

From Experience To Outcome - The Creation Cycle

When I was at the beginning of my transformation and rebirth, a mentor told me these simple words: "If you want to create better outcomes, understand that you're never a victim." Since he told me those - at the time strange - words, I've learned to  comprehend, embrace, and use them for my benefit. 

Believing or feeling I'm a victim has never helped me in my life. Being a victim only caused me more pain and suffering, and only helped me to hold on to the pain and suffering longer than necessary. 

So how does this concept make sense? Let me explain. 

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You Can Have Anything You Want
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

You Can Have Anything You Want

Years ago a very dear friend of mine told me "Mike, you can have anything you want. You Just need to get really clear about what it is, and it will show up in your experience."

He was partially wrong, but mostly right. 

He was right that we can have whatever we want, but there were some qualities  present in him that he overlooked. Those same qualities were absent in me when he made that statement. Those qualities were certainty and commitment. 

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What's Your Struggle Story?
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

What's Your Struggle Story?

I encourage you to not believe a thing I write in this article, then try it on for size for yourself. Prove me wrong. 

I bet you won't. 

Everyone has a struggle story. Everyone. There's a force inside each of us - that unites us all - that wants to expand with us and through us. 

Some call this force God, the universe, source energy, life...

I don't care what you call it. I don't care if you don't believe. Your faith and your beliefs are your business, and yours alone. My belief is that we do the most harm to others when we project our beliefs onto them. 

That's why I'm insisting that you not believe me, and prove me wrong. I dare you. 

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Are You Being Drained By Worry, Doubt, And Fear?
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Are You Being Drained By Worry, Doubt, And Fear?

If you're anything like the rest of us, you're trying to create more wealth and success in your life. More wealth and success means you can make a bigger difference in the world and the lives of others. At the same time you can taste more of what life has to offer. 

I coach and teach small business owners and professionals in workshops, a mastermind, and my private coaching practice. The only significant difference I see between those who create results and those don't is how they handle and manage worry, doubt, and fear - their internal resistance. We all deal with these elements of our humanity. How we relate with them determines the results we're capable of creating.

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You Have Two Beings In You. Which One Shows Up Most?
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

You Have Two Beings In You. Which One Shows Up Most?

 My life works in themes. A few days ago a close friend of mine messaged me to share that during a meditative and contemplative time, the darkness visited her and told her it loved her. She said that the darkness told her that it was pure love, just like the light. She made peace with the darkness from that visit. What a powerful visit it was. 

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The Quality Of Your Thoughts Determines The Quality Of Your Life
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

The Quality Of Your Thoughts Determines The Quality Of Your Life

Have you ever noticed that there's a voice in your head, almost like another person is speaking to you? Do you notice that most times you aren't thinking, but thoughts are happening whether you try to think or not? One of the most liberating days of my life was when I realized that I am not always the thinker of the thoughts, but I am the observer of those thoughts. 

I realized that I can either pay attention to every thought or just let them go, unless it's one I really want to play with. 

That means that I ultimately get to decide the tone, quality, and overall amount of mental processing at any time. This is true for you too. 

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Don't Overthink The Process Of Growth
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Don't Overthink The Process Of Growth

There's no one who makes simple things harder than me. I laugh at how many times I've take super simple concepts that were working, added a bunch of complexity, watched my gains slow to a crawl, then finally figured out that I've made things harder than they needed to be. 

Here's a great example. In 2016 life as I knew it crashed and burned. I hit the reset on every aspect of my life - my health, wealth and how I showed up in all of my relationships.

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Your Next Chapter Is Here. Are You Ready?
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Your Next Chapter Is Here. Are You Ready?

As we close out 2021 and turn the page to the next chapter, it's important to reflect and take inventory before we keep sprinting forward. And that's what most - who are achievement oriented - are doing, sprinting. 

Let's take a second to collect ourselves and get clear about how to move forward in a satisfying, adventurous, and fulfilling way. That requires looking to the past, the present, and the future.

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