Blog Articles

Happiness Now
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Happiness Now

I was always scared to tell folks that they didn’t need more to be happy.

I always felt like I’d be criticized and shamed by the hustle whores and grind gurus.

It was enough to hold me back.

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Lose the Victim
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Lose the Victim

I once believed that people made me angry.

I also believed that others could make me happy, frustrated, sad, disappointed…

I felt like I was just a victim of everyone around me…

Others’ behavior determined MY emotional state.

And I needed others to treat me exactly the way I needed to be treated so that I could feel exactly the way that I wanted to feel.

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Trust Life
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Trust Life

All three of my girls have jobs.

I don’t have a job.

My girls see me wake up when I want and go to bed when I want.

My girls see me live my life on my terms.

I take care of myself and I live by my own beat, my own compass, my own purpose.

This is a departure from years ago.

In our toughest spot, I showed them how to sacrifice to the greatest extent possible.

I woke up when I didn’t want to wake up, to go where I didn’t want to go, to do what I didn’t want to do, for people I didn’t enjoy working with.

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Life Lessons
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Life Lessons

This is a very personal blog post. Deep realizations for me, and I am grateful for a channel to share my soul and my life’s lessons.

Who you serve and who you sit around a campfire with matters.

Professionally, I’ve worked with people who struggle with both internal happiness and financial success. They are often stuck and will not get out of their own way. There is nothing anyone can do to help. These folks are not fun because they make excuses and claim victim. I grew beyond working with them quickly.

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Let Them Evolve
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Let Them Evolve

Let’s talk about preference versus judgment.

Imagine I have a glass of water sitting here in front of me and I say, “I like my water cold with lots of ice.” And somebody else may say, “That’s stupid. You like ice in your water? You’re frickin stupid.” Why is that stupid?

We judge all the time based on our preferences. Sure, we prefer certain things, but then we project those preferences onto everyone else.

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Experience Lasting Joy
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Experience Lasting Joy

Desire is a natural part of living life as a human being. You want what you want. You want more money and nicer things. These desires are natural. But some people never move past accumulation as their purpose.

Living a life based on accumulation will leave you high, dry, and unfulfilled. I’ve worked with a tremendous number of leaders who had everything their hearts desired but were still chasing ghosts to try to overcome the emptiness they felt inside. That emptiness is the lack of purpose and impact. They might have moved the needle on their organizations and their bank accounts, but since they don’t feel that they moved the needle on humanity, they continue to feel incomplete.

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My Rebirth
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

My Rebirth

I’m a Marine Veteran and a former Fortune 500 executive leader. I achieved massive success through sheer force, overworking, and sacrificing everything else in my life for professional success.

In the process I deteriorated from Marine Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) who was rated the number one NCO in my functional division, to a 300-pound suicidal alcoholic with a dysfunctional family fueled by abuse, neglect, and chemical dependency. My wife Angie was embroiled in a 25-year chemical addiction while I struggled in every way, and my two little girls, Katie and Meagan, witnessed the ravages of two parents who thought money, materials, titles, power, and professional success was all there was to life.

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Master Failure, and Grow
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Master Failure, and Grow

Do you feel you are forcing life or are you enjoying what you are doing and who you are with on a daily basis? We learn most through our failures, not our successes. Competence grows with experience. Mastery comes with extreme competence. In order to increase your competence, you must fail. Celebrate failure. That’s how human beings learn. Master failure, and grow.

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You: Your Most Important Relationship
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

You: Your Most Important Relationship

If there’s one thing I can say for certain in my life, it’s that what I learned about relationships from the day I was born was 100% wrong.

Nope, I’m not exaggerating. I was taught that the entire purpose of life was self-sacrifice and to serve others from that state. I was taught that everyone else comes first — always. That single belief, passed on for many generations, created so much pain in my life that I almost committed suicide. Again, I am not exaggerating.

I spent so much time, energy, and effort serving others and doing what benefited others — at my own expense — that I completely lost myself. When it came to a choice between what I wanted and what someone else wanted, I gave in. When it came down to taking care of myself or another person, I always chose the other person.

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It's OK to Be Scared
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

It's OK to Be Scared

It’s okay to be living in fear of what the future holds right now. It’s okay to not know. It’s okay to be anxious. It’s okay to dread the uncertainty that the future is bringing us. These are typical human emotions. When I didn’t have a healthy relationship with fear and uncertainty, I became paralyzed and was brought to my knees.

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Feeling Leads to Healing
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Feeling Leads to Healing

Are you concerned more about creating extraordinary impact and making a massive difference in the world…

Or nurturing relationships with, and the feelings, emotions, and judgments of those who were never aligned with you to begin with?

I’ve spent too much time on the latter and I’ve held myself back.

I can honestly say that I’ve tried to manage impact and the judgment of others, and effectively did neither well.

Today I’m feeling all the emotions around wanting to be wanted more than I want to create impact. More has been revealed to me, and I feel emotional rawness.

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Fall on Your Sword
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Fall on Your Sword

Of course, we want to take care of our families. Of course, we want to serve people. Of course, we want to be physically healthy. We want to have pride in ourselves and how we show up in the world, and what role we play with our family. Feeling proud of yourself and achieving is healthy.

That’s healthy pride.

But there’s unhealthy pride that can show up and can cause us a lot of pain.

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Own Your Life and Outcomes
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Own Your Life and Outcomes

People are scared right now, I get that. I am too. Fear is a natural human response to uncertainty. But it’s also an amazing time to grow.

Here are some leadership behaviors that serve at all times when you are looking to increase your internal happiness and external circumstances, especially during challenging times:

  • Cease blaming anyone else. Stop looking to pin your fear and circumstances on others. That may satisfy your bruised ego and deepest fears, but it will not change your circumstances. Justice is a temporary salve. Personal power ONLY resides in absolute personal responsibility (APR).

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Do You Crave Internal Freedom?
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Do You Crave Internal Freedom?

Over my years as a coach I’ve learned one powerful unifying force in every single human being on the face of the planet: we crave internal freedom above all else. Some people are chasing love, wealth, health, and fame while others simply chase a more powerful connection with God. Internal freedom. That’s what everyone is trying to attain. It might look different for different people, but we’re all after the same thing. We all experience pain, suffering, and pressure of some sort, and freedom is our answer.

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Challenge Brings Growth
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Challenge Brings Growth

I’ve endured molestation and carried on.

I’ve experienced neglect and abandonment and learned to stand alone.

I’ve witnessed intense violence and bullying and learned to defend myself.

I’ve been called worthless, useless, and a waste of space, only to excel academically and professionally.

I’ve been told I could not become a Marine, and I am. I crushed it.

I assumed responsibility for a failing manufacturing plant, and I led a turn-around from the captain’s seat.

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Give Everything, Leave Nothing
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Give Everything, Leave Nothing

Yesterday, in connecting with a referral, I made two errors. I misread the time we were scheduled to connect and ended up calling about 10 minutes late, and I completely misunderstood who actually connected us, so I misspoke over the phone.

Mistakes like that would have embarrassed me in the past, but that I’ve learned to extend grace to myself.

There are a few things I know for certain every day, and one is that I will make errors and mistakes. I hold myself to a high standard, but I know perfection is never possible.

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Life Happens for Us, Always
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Life Happens for Us, Always

I’ve almost committed suicide and I’ve experienced the fullness of life.

I’ve been celebrated in front of hundreds for my messages of infinite purpose and potential, and I’ve been walked out of two businesses with a small box of belongings.

I’ve been obese, and I’ve been too skinny.

I’ve feared for both of my children’s lives as they struggled to breathe, and I’ve watched them both accomplish things they said they’d never even try.

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Show Up for Yourself
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Show Up for Yourself

Want to experience more?

See how everyone else is doing things and then do the opposite.

When you begin to truly live aligned with your inner compass – your inner guidance – it will create resistance in society.

When you experience judgment, criticism, and resistance with how you are showing up and who you are, it means you’re heading in the right direction.

If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got.

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The More for Free, the More for a Fee
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

The More for Free, the More for a Fee

When I began my coaching business, I just wanted someone to pay me for my time. I had just finished up my time in corporate America, and my resume was so full of holes that no one would have me for the salary I was asking. I finished runner-up for 4-5 positions, and I saw the writing on the wall. That door had closed. It was time to move on.

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Your Mind is not Always Your Friend
Mike Kitko Mike Kitko

Your Mind is not Always Your Friend

Years ago, I woke up with a pain in my stomach. But I don’t get sick, I thought to myself. Ever since I had begun my self-mastery journey, I hadn’t been getting sick or having any pains. I may have had some muscle pain from pushing myself while running or lifting, but I didn’t get sick, and my body was healthier than ever. This was strange, unexpected and surprising.

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