Habits are Transformed by Self-Mastery

I have radically changed my habits through self-mastery. I don’t show up the same way in the world the way I once did, and my days look much different than they did before I decided to make healthier shifts in my life. The way I approached my journey and transformation is not the norm, but the exception. I went all-in. But I’ve since learned that going all-in is not the only way to successfully bring self-mastery to your life.

A Bit About My Story

I was nearly 300 lbs,, an alcoholic, abusive to my wife and children, with zero self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-worth. I lacked confidence and courage so I attacked others out of fear.

On April 1, 2016, I felt lost, alone, and suicidal. I had no source of income after losing my second 6-figure income in 20 months. Sitting in the same recliner in which I had once bottle-fed my baby girls, I put down the book I was reading, The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson, slowly got up from the chair and headed to my basement to get on my treadmill.

I hadn’t used the treadmill in over 3 years. In fact, I hadn’t read a book in about the same amount of time.

I was nearly 300 lbs when I began my self-mastery journey, and my kids felt my pain.

I set the treadmill for a half-mile, and began running. 5 minutes later, I felt like I was going to die. My heart was pounding, I was winded, my chest hurt, and my legs felt like they were complete rubber. After a half-mile, I felt like I was going to collapse. I had exited the United States Marine Corps 19 years before at 200 lbs. and capable of running 6 miles easily. Now a half-mile felt like running a marathon.

I had neglected and abused my body, and in the process I had absorbed and inflicted mental and emotional trauma daily. April 1, 2016 was my turning point.

Making Radical Changes

I made rapid changes by completely overhauling everything in my life immediately. I eliminated processed carbohydrates and refined sugar, only drank water, exercised daily, read endlessly, journaled multiple times per day, eliminated all television, meditated multiple times a day, and in the process sent my family into shock because of my changes.

Over the course of the next 2-1/2 years I would lose 80 lbs, kick active alcoholism, rebuild my physical, mental, and emotional health, find spirituality, start two businesses, and regain the ability to earn a very healthy income. My life transformed quickly, and it took some time for my wife and kids to get comfortable with my new lifestyle.

When I began teaching self-mastery, I thought my way was the only way. I’ve since learned that slow and steady can win the race too!

Slow and Steady

During my daily period of exercise on October 27, 2018, I was reflecting on what separated my successful clients from ones who struggle. and I received a download of wisdom. It hit me like a bolt of lightning.

“Self-Mastery is not about eliminating all of the things that make you happy from your life, but gradually redefining happiness to include only those things that sustain and promote life.”

I have worked with many executives and professionals who were seeking to transform their lives while in full motion. Early on in my coaching I expected and encouraged them to change all of their habits immediately. I used myself as an example for them, and it created guilt and shame in them when they fell short.

My story is not the norm. It reveals what is possible, and serves as a powerful example of what willpower and commitment can bring when all feels lost. But I was also backed into a corner with no other options.

As I shift my teaching and coaching from radical transformation to slowly implementing healthier habits and choices, more of my students are finding success. In order to successfully transform your life you don’t need to eliminate everything, just begin doing things that serve your health, growth, and expansion. Things which do not serve will eventually eliminate themselves. There is no single way and no rush to the process. A slow and steady approach will bring the same changes to your life that I recognized.

A Single Step

I’ve found that eventually individuals begin to choose things that serve instead of things that do not. They eventually find happiness and fulfillment in things that serve their well-being instead of things that cause harm.

You can begin a self-mastery journey today by taking a single step. By choosing to hydrate, you will replenish your cells with the life source they require. Eventually you might consider doing more but start with the basics of life.

Most people are walking around dehydrated, with every cell in their bodies screaming for water – struggling to survive. Their cells’ struggle for survival is definitely having an impact on their overall happiness, wellbeing, and fulfillment in life.

You don’t need to overhaul your day to begin a new chapter. Make a single shift. Eliminate something small that doesn’t serve you, or add something that does. Maybe in a day, week, or year you’ll feel compelled to make another shift. Honor that calling as well.

Simplicity is the path to successful integration.

My Invitation To You

I am constantly evolving, seeking new wisdom and knowledge, and growing in my own life to better serve. I teach and share all that I have learned. The invitation is always open to those who want to learn more about my story, transformation, and coaching with me.

If you are feeling lost, hopeless, and require support – just reach out. I’ll serve you in some capacity even if it’s simply providing you with a reading list and some tools to get you started on your own. Connect to learn more.

If you are interested in finding out what coaching with me looks like, schedule some time for us to connect.

I’m excited to expand my ability to serve. If I can support you in any way connect with me. Just remember, it just takes making simple, healthier choices to completely transform your life. Slow and steady wins the race!


Meditation and Self-Mastery


Learning True Happiness Through Self-Mastery