Breaking Free from the Ego: Living Authentically

Aug 05, 2024

There's a teacher I admire greatly, Dr. Joe Dispenza. I've attended two of his advanced workshops—one in Orlando, Florida, and another in Denver, Colorado. Both were absolutely transformational.

Dr. Joe's work is transformative, impactful, and is changing the world and how people see it. Each workshop I attended had approximately 2,000 people from nearly 60 countries, all gathered in an extraordinarily large ballroom. During the seven days, we meditated three times a day, usually for an hour and a half each session. One morning, a meditation started at 4 a.m. and ended at 9 a.m.—a five-hour-long meditation. We had three walking meditations at each event, and you could literally see people's lives transform over the course of the week.

Dr. Joe is a four-time published solo author, and has produced works with others as well. His solo books are: Evolve Your Brain, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, You Are the Placebo, and Becoming Supernatural. These bestsellers have catapulted Dr. Joe into a position of significant impact around the world. In his latest book, Becoming Supernatural, he shares his journey of becoming authentically himself in his spirituality.

Dr. Joe's first book, Evolve Your Brain, is very scientific. Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself is probably 75% scientific and about 25% spiritual. You Are the Placebo is about 50% scientific and 50% spiritual. Becoming Supernatural is 100% spiritual. At the beginning of Becoming Supernatural, Dr. Joe shares that this is the book he always wanted to write but was scared to because he feared being labeled a pseudoscientist. He now has enough data, experience, and insights to know that this work is not pseudoscience—that science is the language of spirituality.

Dr. Joe wanted to write a spiritual book from the start, but he sought acceptance and to be embraced more than revealing who he really was. This sense of hiding resonated with me because I did the same thing. 

Hiding is the workings of the survival-based ego, not the divine soul you are. 


Coming Out of Hiding

When I started my coaching business, my book publications, and even on my Inner Wealth podcast, I led with money and success, emphasizing external rewards. I was scared to truly step into my spiritual power and share who I really was. I focused on talking about money and wealth more than the transformative work I do with my clients, students in workshops, our mastermind, and my coaching.

Instead of sharing the depth of the work we do, I hid behind a facade of wealth and success. While I have created some wealth and accomplished some cool things, I don't love teaching wealth and success. What I do love is teaching how to step into your spiritual nature and use spirituality to create wealth and success. Beliefs create your reality. What you think becomes real. Wherever your mind points, your life follows. These are concepts I've shared, but I always led with money.

What the soul wants more than anything else is freedom—freedom from suffering. Our spiritual purpose is to let go of all pain, suffering, and trauma and begin merging with God, becoming God instead of worshiping God. The spiritual work I do helps people become more at peace, more in love with themselves, more trusting of life, and more inspired. Sometimes, when they're at peace, fulfilled, and in their true spiritual power, they create more wealth and success easily, but it comes from doing the spiritual work.

It took Dr. Joe four books to reveal who he really was to the world, and it's taken me about eight years, but I'm on the cusp of letting my full soul come out to play in this world. I know the work I do with people is life-changing, needle-moving, and makes a huge positive difference.


Where are You Showing Up?

Where is this showing up in your life? Where are you hiding? Where are you not letting your soul come out to play? Where are you hiding behind a mask? Where are you withholding yourself from the world? Where are you afraid of being rejected, abandoned, or judged, so you're withholding your voice, your purpose, who you really are?

Take some time in the coming days to reflect on where you're showing up and where you're not, where you're authentic and where you're not, where you're in your purpose and where you're not. Understand what's keeping you from fully stepping into your 100% radical authenticity.

Your authentic self can create everything. Your authentic self will create everything you need to serve your spiritual purpose, but you must first let your full soul come out to play. When we all come out of hiding and begin to be fully authentic, wars will stop, crime will resolve, and the world will become a peaceful place. Until we're not scared to be ourselves, we're living from a place of fear, and it's fear that creates all the violence and volatility in the world. The authentic soul doesn't have the ability to cause harm. It's the mask, the lies, and the hiding that create all the pain in this world.

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